Special Days in April 2022
April 1969 Concorde’s maiden flight.
1st – In 1973 VAT (Value Added Tax) was introduced in Britain.
2nd April 1805 Hans Christian Andersen was born in Denmark. He wrote poetry and fables but is famous chiefly for his fairy tales. He diedin 1875.
2nd April – 14th June 1982 The Falklands War.
5th April 1640 Pocahontas got married.
6th April Robert Edwin Peary reached the North Pole in 1909
7th April 1827 First matches sold.
8th April 1973 Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter, died aged 91.
8th April Buddhist: Hanamatsuri (Buddha’s Birthday). Zen Buddhists use this day as a flower festival to celebrate the birth of the Buddha.
9th April 1806 Brunel (Great Western Railway) born.
10th April 1998 The signing of the Good Friday Agreement.
12th April 1606 Union Flag became the official flag of the United Kingdom.
12th April 1961 Yuri Gagarin made the first flight into space.
13th April 1936 Jow Payne (Luton Town F.C.) scored ten goals in one match.
14th April 1931 Highway Code first issued.
15th April 1912 R.M.S. Titanic struck an iceberg and sank.
16th April 1889 Charlie Chaplin born.
18th April 1934 First launderette opened.
19th April 1978 Post marks were introduced in Britain by the Post Office.
21st April Queen Elizabeth II was born.
22nd April Earth Day.
23rd April St. George’s Day – Patron Saint of England and also of Scouting.
23rd April 1584 / 1613 Shakespeare’s Birthday (1584). Also the anniversary of his death (1613). William Shakespeare was born in Stratford on Avon. He earned his living by acting small parts, by rewriting old plays and then by writing plays himself. His plays were written in verse.
25th April 1953 DNA, the building blocks of all life forms, was discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick. Their achievement was recognised in 1962 when they received the Nobel Prize for Physiology.
26th April 1957 First broadcast of “The Sky at Night”
27th April 1791 Samuel Morse was born. Learn and practice Morse Code.